Study in support of the application of the clean development mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol in Uruguay Estudio de apoyo a la aplicación del mecanismo de desarrollo limpio del protocolo de Kioto en Uruguay - Montevideo: DINAMA, 2002 - 119 p. cuadros.



a) Energy sector. Work methodology. Social and economic scenarios. Identification of emissions mitigation options. National mitigation potential. b) Land use, land use change and forestry sectors. Activities involving land use, land use change and forestry in the Kyoto Protocol. Base line of the forestry sector in Uruguay. Climate change mitigation potential due to project activities within the forestry sector. Mitigation options for Uruguay's forestry sector. c) Aggregate functions of marginal costs. d) Pros and cons of the different mitigation options. e) Impact of transactions costs. f) Conclusions and recommendations.

Mecanismo de Desarrollo Limpio


AV-CD / 333.72 / U826