Wiemann, Marcus

SE4all high impact opportunity clean energy mini - grids. Mapping of clean energy mini-grid support providers and programmes. - 2015 - 130 páginas. tablas.

The mapping information presented here has been assembled as a first step to accelerate the linkage of the demand and supply of funding and support, with a goal of identifying funding gaps. The overall objective is to better understand the market structures as well as current and upcoming developments for mini-grids (e.g. number and type of market players on supply and demand side, type of mini-grid technologies deployed), with a goal to inform the placement of donor funds more effectively into the sector. We hope that this information will benefit mini-grid stakeholders through increased access to information on what donors and funders are doing and where, enabling them to adapt their business strategies and priorities accordingly, and better understand who can assist them to fill the technical or financial gaps in their projects. The intent is to increase their ability to actually implement projects and provide a solid basis for scaling them up, thus leading to increased access to clean energy services.

Electrificación Rural - Proyectos de Desarrollo
Electrificación Rural - Programas

333.793.2 / W646t