Gil Espinosa, E. C.

Utilization of manures and agricultural residues in the biogas production, its utilization in the rural media and the residues use as fertilizers - Cairo: [Editorial no identificado], 1984 - 14 p. cuadros.

Fotocopia. El artículo es parte de: International conference state of the art on biogas technology transfer and diffusion.


This paper resums the work done by the national institute for agricultural initiated in 1978 together with the work plan 37 : 2327 in the departament of agronomical engeneering and completed with the secretary of science and technology. Experiments started in small and middle scale digesters and the preliminary results obtained were used in a 9 cubic meters floating combined solar - biogas system...

Producción de Energía
Residuos Animales
Congresos y Conferencias

665.776 / I61299 / v.1