Energy transitions towards cleaner, more flexible and transparent systems. Final report - IEA, 2018 - 71 p. grafs. Annex I. Voluntary national self - assessments (restringido)

A) Executive summary. B) G20 energy transitions trends. G20 energy transitions: energy sector trends. Energy sector investment treds. The energy sector's role in meeting sustainable development goals for 2030. C) Cleaner energy systems across G20 countries. Status of global energy efficient action. Status of global renewable energy development. Cleaner energy tecnologies. D) Towards flexible energy systems and transparent markets. Power system flexibility. Flexibility from regional interconnected and global gas markets. Digitalisation and the smart and flexible energy system. The role of G20 in fosterin energy transitions.

Energía Limpia
Desarrollo Sostenible
Grupo de los Veinte

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