Sauty, J.P.

The effect of thermal dispersion on injection of hot water in aquifers - California: Department of Energy, 1978 - pp. 122-131 ilustraciones.

El artículo es parte de: Second invitational well - testing symposium.


Two series of experiments on hot water injection, storage and recovery were performed in France in 1976 and 1977. Analysis of temperature profiles in the aquifer and temperature spot measurement in the cap - rock provided detailed knowledge of the thermal behavior of the reservoir. The 1976 data were used to calibrate a numerical model that was then able to accurately prediction the results of the second series of experiments performed in 1977. The results give strong evidence of the existence of heat dispersión during injection and recovery operations with a resulting apparent thermal conductivity in the aquifer much higher than the measured usually by convetionnal methods.

Energía Geotérmica
Inyección de Agua
Fluidos Geotérmicos

Estados Unidos

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