Lecoque, David

The productive use of renewable energy in Africa. - Eschborn: EUEI, PDF, 2015. - 20 páginas. ilustraciones

Benefits of productive use of renewable energy. Lessons learnt and challenges for the productive use of renewable energy. Case studies of productive use of energy.

This paper addresses the need for reliable energy Access for businesses to enable the productive use of clean energies. Energy security from private sector perspective means that present and future access to energy is guaranteed at affordable prices. It focuses on the benefits of Productive Use of Renewable Energy (PURE), highlights lessons learnt and challenges, and formulates recommendations to stimulate its spread and better realise its potential. In addition, the paper presents case studies from nine African countries to show promising ways to successfully engage in rural developing areas for entrepreneurs, NGOs, investors and policymakers. ARE believes that these examples can also be used as showcase examples in other parts of the developing world.

Electrificación Rural
Acceso a la Energía
Desarrollo Productivo


333.793.2 / L467