Mexico's climate change mid-century strategic. - México: SEMARNAT, 2016 - 100 páginas. ilustraciones.

The first chapter of this paper discusses the views about the importance of the MCS instrument of the Paris agreement. Second, the Context chapter discusses the science, international and national conditions that drive Mexico's action. Third, it presents the objective of the strategy. This document is a guiding instrument of the national climate change policy, both in the medium and long-term. Chapter fourth presents Mexico’s long-term vision. This exercise aims to define milestones for the next 10, 20 and 40 years regarding seven important areas that drive emissions and preparedness for the climate issue: society and population, ecosystems, energy, emissions, productive systems, private sector, and mobility. Chapter fifth presents the strategy for climate change adaptation, and chapter sixth presents the strategy for climate mitigation. Finally, it describes the evaluation and update process of the MCS strategy. Mexico’s General Law on Climate Change requires updating at least once every ten years the mitigation and every six years the adaptation policies.

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